setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
/* setup the variable enable explansion */
for /f "delims=/" %%i in (c:\Log\SLDPRT.TXT) do ( g: cd G:%%~pi set fn=%%~nxi set pn=%%~pi set pn=!pn: =+! /* replace the “blank space” symbol in the pn to “+” */set pn=!pn:^&=#!
/* the “^” mean is it is itself only*/
echo !fn!
echo !pn! pause call :began !pn! )goto :eof
/*goto :eof mean is the last command*/
cd .. set cxs=!pn! echo !cxs! set cxs=!cxs:\= ! echo !cxs! pause call :nnd %cxs% goto :eof:nnd set tmp1=%2 if defined tmp1 shift && goto nnd echo "!tmp1!" pause set vp=%1 set vp=!vp:+= ! set vp=!vp:#=^&!
/*restore the variable*/
md c:\Log\"!vp!" copy "!vp!"\"!fn!" c:\Log\"!vp!" pause goto :eof
1.Get directory detial information
dir /b /s g:\ENGINEERING\Department\CHEVASSUS\HINGE_ENDPIECE\* |findstr ".*SLDPRT$" > C:\Log\SLDPRT.TXT2.this bat program is test only.
3.ohters way can get the result,the following is reference only
for /l %%d in (1,1,256) do if "!pn:~-%%d,1!"=="\" (goto:out) else (set dn=!pn:~-%%d,1!!dn!)
/*the pn is fully qualified path name*/
/*"!pn:~-%%d,1!" mean is display the first symbol of the last %%d */